In employee training, people are more open to learning if they feel respected. if they feel that they are being talked down to embarrassed, or otherwise denigrated, their energy is diverted from learning to dealing with these feelings.

Employee training should be one of the most joyful things so trainers should try to make the experience enjoyable.
Factors Affecting Employee Training Climate
Following are the factors influencing the learning climate of employees:
1. External Training Providers
Training providers such as private training and consulting firms, professional association, and colleges and universities can be seen as either hearts to or opportunities for the employee training function.
They provide is a threat as competitors providing similar products and services. In this sense, their threat is to the size and perhaps even the existence of the employee training function.
If their products and services are viewed as higher or equivalent in quality but less costly, the organization may decide to reduce or eliminate internal training.
In addition, external providers can provide competitors with competencies.
External training providers can also be seen as opportunities.
They can be used as resources for products and services that are not cost-effective to develop internally or for which internal resources or capabilities are lacking.
How to Develop Powerful Training Strategy for Employees.
2. Law and Regulations
In formulating strategy, the training function needs to consider laws, regulations, and legal practices related to training because they affect important organizational outcomes and can have a profound impact on the demands placed on the training function.
Some training is either legally mandated or strongly encouraged by the nature of the legal system.
3. Training Technology
Training technology refers to the tools, methods, and media through which learning opportunities are created and put into effect.
In addition to hardware and software development, advances in learning theory, educational practices, and training facilities are all part of the technology of training.
4. Economic Conditions
When the economy is robust, organizations tend to grow, and growth increases the demands on training (like, new employees need orientation and job training, employees need to change KSA’s).
Growth means a larger training budget and more difficulty attracting highly qualified staff (while full employment may be desirable for society, it means a tighter labor market for employers).
It also means less time available for training because everyone is working hard to take advantage of the good times. In times of economic downturn, the reverse is true.
Related: Methods & Techniques of Employee Group Training.
5. Organizational and HR Strategy
Because the market leader strategy depends on innovation, employee knowledge and skills are critically important.

Highly skilled and knowledgeable people must be hired and developed.
They need to go about their work. Reward and feedback systems must focus on the long term rather than short term performance.
6. Organizational Culture
An organization’s culture is made up of the shared belief and basic assumptions its employees adopt as they adapt to the organization and its demands.
The culture is reinforced and transmitted through formal statements, materials, policies, procedures (formal and informal), stories (real or invented) about key individuals and events, and the actions that prompt rewards and punishments.
The culture of an organization determines what is valued.
The training must fit within the culture of the organization unless part of the organization’s strategic plan is to change the culture.
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