Employee morale may be described as a readiness to cooperate warmly in the task and purpose of a given organization. Morale may be defined as an attitude of satisfaction with the desire to continue in a willingness to strive for the goals of a particular group or organization.

Good morale is slow to develop and difficult to maintain.
Factors Influencing Employee Morale at the Workplace
There may factors that influence employee morale differently in an organization:
1. Group Cohesiveness
This means a “feeling of togetherness” or group cooperation.
The greater the mutual attraction among the members of a group to live and work together, the higher the group’s morale.
2. Common Goal
Promoting group cooperation is easier if the group has a common goal.
The goals industry may be more obscure than such gals as winning a war or a football game, but with proper guidance, they can be made clear.
Related: 18 Ways to Build Up Employee Morale in the Workplace.
3. Progress towards Goal
In addition to having a goal, it must be possible for employees to make observable progress towards it.
4. Meaningful Task
Each member of the group must understand clearly how his specific job contributes to the attainment of the group goal.
The determinants of employee morale are as follows:
- Pride in and general attitude towards the company
- The general attitude towards supervision.
- Satisfaction with job standards.
- Style of supervision.
- Workload and work pressure.
- Attitude towards co-workers.
- Satisfaction with salary.
- Attitude towards formal communication system in the company.
- Intrinsic job satisfaction.
- Satisfaction with progress and chances for progress.
5. The Organization
The goals of the organization influence the attitudes of employees greatly.
Likewise, a clear structure with well-defined duties and responsibilities encourages people to work with confidence.
The reputation of the company and the persons working in the firm also affect the level of employee morale.
6. Leadership
The actions of managers exert a strong influence over the morale of the workforce.
Fair treatment, equitable rewards, and recognition for good work affect morale greatly.
Workers feel comfortable when they work under a sympathetic, caring leader in place of one who is authoritarian, directional, and dominating.
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7. Coworker
The poor attitude of co-workers influences others.
We can imagine working with a person who talks about the negative points of an organization all day long.
Such a person can make each workday an unpleasant experience for others. he can cause co-workers to think negatively.
8. The Nature of Work
Dull, monotonous, repetitive work affects employee morale adversely.
On the other hand, if an employee is asked to do something interesting and challenging, his morale may be high.
9. Work Environment
Employee morale is a direct function of the constitution in the workplace, clean, safe, comfortable, and pleasant work conditions are morale boosters.
10. The Employee
How the employee looks at himself (self-concept) also influences morale greatly.

Individuals who lack self-confidence or suffer from poor physical or mental health frequently pose moral problems.
Further, how the needs of the employees are satisfied can significantly affect their morale. Salary, fringe benefits, allowances, etc, may also affect morale.
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11. Executive Attitudes
All employees encounter executive supervisory or managerial attitudes.
Some managers, attitudes are defeatist in nature.
These decrease morale. Attitudes of respect for people will motivate and raise morale.
12. Organization Size
It is often said that morale is better in the smaller company than in the large company because in the small one the employees are closer to their leaders, everyone is acquainted, communication is free and easy and the leaders can solve problems more quickly.
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