We have studied Innovation and creativity under various headings. Now the question arises, whether there is a difference between Innovation and creativity? And creativity and innovation are such an integral part of entrepreneurship.

In this regard management experts and authors have two opinions:
According to the first opinion, Innovation and creativity are used in similar forms, because they have no difference.
Similarity between Innovation and Creativity
Following are the similarities between innovation and creativity:
1. Related
Both are related to developing new knowledge, facts, and objects and making use thereof.
2. Main Elements
Both are the main elements of entrepreneurship because the pace of development of the country depends upon them.
Related: 15 Essential Elements of Creativity in Entrepreneurship.
3. Universal
Innovations and creativity are universal, because every person or organization has the desire for Innovations and creativity, of course in varying degrees.
4. Inclusion
Only creativity cannot contribute towards the organization effectively, till the creative ideas are not used in any form or are not implemented.
Thus, both creativity and innovations are included in the creative process.
Difference between Innovation and Creativity
According to the second opinion, some thinkers differentiate between Innovation and creativity, on the basis of the following arguments:
1. Meaning
Creativity means bringing something into existence, whereas innovation means to bring something into use.
Creativity includes bringing some objects into existence, whereas innovation includes bringing such ideas to use.
2. Creation and Ability
Creativity is the creation of a new idea, whereas innovation is the ability to change this idea into some new product, new service or the new system of production.
Creativity is the ability to bring something new into existence whereas innovation is the process to do new works.”
Related: 21 Qualities of Creative Person.
3. Nature
Creativity related to ideological creation, whereas innovation is related to changing ideas into reality.
In other words, creativity is like raw material, whereas innovation is the vocational or technical result of creativity.
4. Form
Creativity may be either for pleasures, enjoyments, extravagance or for solutions of any problem, but innovation is always practical, business-oriented and provider of benefits, meaning thereby that is related to making of business use of ideas.
5. Function
Creativity is a function of thinking, which is possessed by almost all persons, whereas innovation is a specific function of entrepreneurship.
6. Result and Pre-Requisites
Creativity is a big result of sweet mistakes and improvements, whereas this is a prerequisite for innovations and it may be developed in any particular person, whereas for the best there is one of the other relations.
This is an accepted fact that in most of the entrepreneurs, it is a General characteristic for the best.
Read More:
- 10 Different Concept of Entrepreneurship
- 18 Methods or Techniques of Motivating Creativity
- 8 Key Characteristics of Entrepreneurship Development
- 15 Importance of Entrepreneurship (in Modern Economy)
- Top 12 Benefits of International Expansion of Business
- 19 Essential Elements of Good and Effective Planning
- 15 Key Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Environment
- 19 Different Types of Advertising in Marketing (With Examples)
- Top 5 Basics of Successful Entrepreneurship (Must Know)
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Thanks alot
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This has helped me to understand that creativity and innovation are bedmates
im happy to help you
Thankyou very much for such an educative article
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